就在昨天,暴雪北方工作室的四位主要高层集体辞职,今天,Gamespot上又登出一篇震动电子游戏业的新闻:CAPCOM总裁冈本吉起也已经离职,不禁让我们要问,这个夏天还要发生一些什么样的事情呢…… 以下是冈本吉起离职新闻: 冈本吉起在开发街霸II和许多CAPCOM的经典游戏后离开了CAPCOM。 冈本吉起离开CAPCOM并宣布将创建自己的新公司计划。冈本从1983年开始在CAPCOM工作并参予开发了许多的游戏,他领导开发了许多CAPCOM的经典游戏如街霸II和Resident Evil(生化危机)系列。他同时也是公司的总裁,也是公认的公司中最好的关卡设计师,如生化危机系列。他是公司最主要的制作人,他的性格使他成为电视游戏行业中一个突出的人物。 在6月20日,冈本吉起在加入公司19年另9个月后离开了CAPCOM,今年42岁的他开始创建自己的游戏开发公司。冈本吉起在会见Dengeki Games杂志时谈起了他现在的状况。他澄清说并不是因为任何专业问题才导致他离开CAPCOM,是长久以来的各种各样问题的累积使他做出离开CAPCOM的决定,例如公司在一个时期内的运作方向的不同意见和管理人员的工作限制。已经有许多的游戏公司邀请他加入,但冈本吉起正准备创建一个属于自己的公司。 他将用一些时间去开创自己的游戏开发公司,他将与新的有着丰富开发经验及共同志向的合作伙伴一块工作,并且他希望与同事们共享公司的股票,使公司成为每一个人自己的公司。公司将不会为了获得外界的资金而进军股票市场。公司将不会出售或在公开的划分。因为他的公司一开始的时候没有主要的专业主题或者稳定的发行,所以它将在一段时间内将业务集中在接受外来任务上,公司也许也会加入到其它游戏的开发及发行中。 冈本新公司的资料多数都只是暂时的计划,除了新员工外,冈本正在找寻合适的公司做为顾客。冈本也同样需要给新公司找一个好名字,并且找一个愿意成为新公司总裁的人选。他不希望在自己的公司做为总裁来工作,而宁可做COO(首席运营官) 他的公司官方站点今天正式公开,名称暂定为“Okatuku”,意思是Okamoto创建的游戏公司。站点上有冈本的问候及他简短的自我介绍,还有一个日记页,一个公司的概述及一个申请表。页面左侧有一个计数器显示目前公司有多少位员工,包括冈本自己在内。 原文: One of the men behind Street Fighter II and a number of high-profile Capcom games leaves the company. Yoshiki Okamoto has left Capcom and has announced plans to form his own company. Yoshiki Okamoto began working for Capcom in 1983 and was involved in the development of games as old as SonSon. Okamoto produced and directed a number of Capcom’s hit titles such as Street fighter II and the Resident Evil series. He is also the president of Flagship, the company best known as the scenario developer for the Resident Evil series. While Okamoto is known as a major producer, what makes him one of the outstanding characters in the video game industry is his flamboyant personality. On June 20, Okamoto left his position as a Capcom executive after 19 years and 9 months to create his own game development company at the age of 42. Okamoto spoke of his current situation in a recent interview in Dengeki Games magazine. In the interview, Okamoto made clear that it was not due to any major issues that he left Capcom. The decision came from an accumulation of issues, such as differences of opinion with Capcom in terms of the direction of the company and the constraints of working as an executive. While there were a number of game companies that asked him to join them, Okamoto had already decided that he wanted to experience making his own company from scratch. Okamoto will be using a part of his life savings to build his game development company. He will be recruiting experienced developers who wish to work together as partners, and he hopes to distribute shares of stock among them so that all of the staff will be owners of the company. The company will not join a major stock market for the sake of independence from any outside power. There will be no sales or publicity division within the company. Since his company will not have a major title or a stable release in the beginning, it will focus on accepting outside jobs for a while. The company may also gosintosthe side business of consulting for other game developers and publishers. Many of the details on Okamoto’s new company are still tentative. Aside from recruiting employees, Okamoto is looking for companies that are interested in becoming clients. Okamoto is also looking for a good name for the company and is recruiting for someone who would like to become the president. Okamoto does not wish to work as the president of his own company, but rather as its COO (chief operating officer). The official site for his company has opened today, under the tentative title of “Okatuku”, which means making a game company with Okamoto. The site currently has a greeting message from Okamoto, a brief autobiography, a diary page, a company overview, and an application form. The lowest counter on the left indicates the number of employees currently in the company, including Okamoto himself.