【52pk 1月12日消息】近日,MMO-Champion继续为我们带来魔兽7.0版本的爆料。本次带来的是7.0出现的一些新古神语。从这些古神语中可以推测,四大古神中仅存的最后一个古神恩佐斯将会在这个资料片中登场。看来这位也命不久矣了。
以下内容翻译来自NGA论坛 达布斯塔·霜心
Il‘zarq N’Zoth phgwa an‘zig. Il’zarq taag ov‘kadaq. - The voice of N’Zoth whispers from the deeps. It sings of unspeakable horrors.
Phnagg‘ba teq’nir ssq qwal N‘Zoth! - These mortal wards have no effect on the spawn of N’Zoth!
Shath‘mag vwyq shu et’agthu, Shath‘mag sshk ye! Ag’rr hazz ak‘yel ksh ga’halahs pahg! - The Black Empire once ruled this pitiful world, and it will do so again! We will reforge our dread citadels atop the fly-blown corpse of this kingdom!
Shath‘mag vwyq shu et’agthu, Shath‘mag sshk ye! Krz’ek fhn‘z agash zz maqdahl or’kaaxth‘ma amqa! - The Black Empire once ruled this world, and it will do so again! Your pitiful kind will know only despair and sorrow for a hundred thousand millennia to come!
Sk’yahf qi‘magg luk sshoq anagg’qen. - Your soul will wander roads that twist in endless spirals.
Shath‘gral ynyq. Weq… weq… weq… - The Old Ones beckon. Go… go… go…
Y’za noq mah… Y‘za noq ormz… - I am not the first… I am not the last…
Yeh’glu N‘Zoth okom hoq… Y’za sythn oou… - The blood of N‘Zoth runs through me… I cannot die…
Poq’yith mazzka awan ki uhnish‘philfgsh. - The crooked serpent with no eyes is watching from the endless sky.
En’othk uulg‘shuul. Mh’za uulwi skshgn kar. - There is no light after death. Only a place where even shadows fear to go.
Iilth qi mah‘shar fhn oorql N’Zoth! - You will be the first of many to glimpse the madness of N‘Zoth!
Iilth ma paf’qi‘ag sk’halahs. GAZ SKSHGN! - You are a prisoner in your own body. A SERVANT OF FEAR!
Mg‘uulwi N’Zoth, eth‘razzqi worg zz oou. - In the writhing shadow of N’Zoth, all light fades and dies.
N‘Zoth iiyoq raz’tal‘vsak! IIYOQ NEL’OTHK AR‘AFGH! - The will of N’Zoth is made manifest! IT CANNOT BE CONTAINED!
Al‘ksh syq iir awan? Iilth sythn aqev… aqev… aqev… - Is this real or an illusion? You are going mad… mad… mad…